Red triangle with exclamation point prius. Dont get them confused perhaps your friend is shifting out of gear before the car is in the ready state. 84500 miles 2006 prius red triangle of death initially on screen car with exclamation point now just triangle on dash and check engine icon on dash and the red car outline with a line thru it on the upper left of the screen this is the hybrid system warning light but we also had some sort of brake and vsc warnings. 2005 prius dashboard warning light red triangle with exclamation point check enginle light yelloworgange and a circle to the right of the check engine light with an exclamation point read more.
On the classic prius there is also a red triangle underneadh the lcd screen which is the emergencyhazard lights button. Toyota prius 2003 warning light has a car with exclamation point in the middle of it plus a triangle with an exclamation point. One of the most common causes is low engine oil.
My 2003 warning light frequently goes on after going down a long hill. The red triangle with the exclamation point on the dashboard says to see the lcd screen for more info. A red triangle with an exclamation point can be displayed for a range of different reasons.
Many prius drivers have reported the most common cause for a red triangle of death light is an issue with their battery. Typically the codes that come up after a diagnostic are p0a80 and p3000. The p300 code refers to the prius battery control system.